EOR ETC has Solved the Historic Limitations of Enhanced Oil Recovery

Our patent-pending technology improves recovery and safety, lowers costs and reduces delivery time

Our Patent-Pending EOR Technology

Our standard and automated module is a small footprint skid-based unit, shipped and set on the well site in one piece. Our product eliminates facilities requirements and reduces compression requirements by a factor of up to 10 times, which greatly reduces energy power utilization and greenhouse gas impacts, resulting in more efficient and environmentally friendly EOR project operations.

EOR ETC Technical Services

Each product includes teams of technicians, programmers, and method selections for unconventional and conventional wells, eliminating the requirement for large EOR project teams and expertise. We will work with our customers to implement field-wide, comprehensive EOR strategies that best fit their goals.


Our technology is much cleaner than traditional EOR methods with added benefits. It is safety enabling and clean for operators to reduce their carbon footprint and eliminate gas emissions. It reduces noise, unnecessary trucking, and risks from high-pressure gas at the well site. Our system can be delivered in 2-3 months versus 18-24 months for high-pressure compressors and can use gas-lift gas and produced water. Our secret sauce is the algorithm for addressing water/gas phase segregation and speeding up the co-injection, adding surfactants and soaking processes.

At EOR ETC we are committed to disrupting and developing the EOR industry


EOR ETC is commercializing an innovative, game-changing Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) delivery technology that significantly increases recovery efficiency and significantly reduces the environmental impact of EOR operations. We have created EOR ETC with a mission to become the first and preferred company to provide turn-key low-cost standard EOR technology to the industry.

Meet Our Team of Experts

Our team has deep experience in EOR, Multiphase Flow, Reservoir Engineering, Technology Deployment, and more…

Our Leadership Team’s Previous Experience Includes…
