EOR ETC Soon Will Launch First West Texas Enhanced Oil Recovery Pilot
EOR ETC soon will begin its first Enhanced Oil Recovery pilot program in West Texas, an area of energy innovation and opportunity.

Midland Earthquakes: EOR ETC Provides Alternative to Deep Well Disposal

EOR ETC Takes Big Step Forward with Third Pilot Project
EOR ETC, Baker Hughes Sign MSA to Provide an Industry First, Low Pressure Enhanced Oil Recovery Service
EOR ETC Taking on Frac-Hit Protection & EOR Pilot Combo

EOR ETC’s New Process Featured in American Oil & Gas Reporter
Upcoming EOR ETC Presentations
EOR ETC Delivers Increased Oil Production in First Pilot of its Kind

EOR ETC Bakken Pilot Successfully Demonstrates Low-Pressure Methane Injection and Storage

Darcy Partners to Showcase EOR ETC Technology to E&P Operators
EOR ETC Pilot Continues to See Positive Oil Response

NEW EOR ETC Pilot System to Prove An Environmentally Safer Method for Oil Extraction that also Drives More Revenue