EOR ETC Taking on Frac-Hit Protection & EOR Pilot Combo

After solving many of the limitations of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) on our first pilot, EOR ETC just completed our second pilot program, where we applied our novel co-injection process to a new application; Frac-Hit Protection and EOR pilot combination.

Here’s how it worked: By injecting natural gas, water and surfactant in a prescribed, specific sequence, two depleted wells were pressured back up to protect against a nearby “child” well’s hydraulic fracturing interference. The results of this process should provide an EOR boost to production when the injector “parent wells” are put back on production.

We expect to see results over the next several weeks. Stay tuned for updates.


EOR ETC, Baker Hughes Sign MSA to Provide an Industry First, Low Pressure Enhanced Oil Recovery Service


EOR ETC’s New Process Featured in American Oil & Gas Reporter