EOR ETC has developed a proprietary delivery method to solve the challenges currently limiting Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) projects in unconventional shale reservoirs

With a meager 6-10% average recovery in these shale plays, improving recovery offers a massive prize


EOR ETC presents a scalable solution, reducing project time from years to months and cost by a factor of 5 to 10. The EOR ETC unit has key advantages of having a small physical and carbon footprint, being standard and transportable for a completely automated delivery for both pilot and full-field developments.


EOR ETC reduces costs through co-injection of produced gas (lean or rich) and water (with a wettability modifying surfactant)

Based on core studies conducted in multiple unconventional reservoirs, co-injection of surfactant laden water:

  • Drastically reduces compression costs

  • Cuts reservoir re-pressurization time nearly in half

  • Releases more oil from the shale matrix

EOR ETC provides a very strong, low risk value proposition for companies facing declining production in existing wells

Our Mission

EOR ETC’s mission is to be the first service company to provide a low cost, end-to-end EOR solution, which is safer for people with a low pressure surface system and safer for the environment because of reduced need for flaring methane and re-drilling or re-fracking depleted wells

The Results are Quantifiable

Increased Hydrocarbon Recovery

Using EOR ETC’s proprietary method, hydrocarbon recovery was increased by 30-70% vs. traditional methods (proof of concept field demo in progress). 

Reduced Costs

On average, costs savings are estimated at $2-6 million per well, in comparison to high-pressure compression gas systems.

Time-to-Production Acceleration

Time-to-production accelerated by 10X by responding with rapid inventory availability, faster modular configuration, and quicker scalability to need.

Our technology is greener than traditional EOR methods while also being safe to operate and clean for operators

EOR ETC’s Technology Reduces…


Carbon Footprints


Delivery Times

noise pollution reduced.png

Noise Pollution


Unnecessary Trucking


Risks from High-Pressure Gas at Well Sites


Gas Emissions (eliminated)

Delivery Turnaround Times as Fast as 2-3 Months

Traditional high-pressure compressors delivery windows average 18-24 months, meaning EOR ETC’s technology could eliminate one year or more in waiting periods.

Now for the secret sauce…

Our algorithm strategically addresses water/gas phase segregation and expedites co-injection, adding surfactants and fine-tuning soaking processes. All of which is overseen and implemented by our team of seasoned EOR experts.

Have questions and want to chat with one of our experts? Shoot us a message in the form to the right detailing your requests and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Or you can schedule a meeting using the button featured at the top of each webpage. Either way our team is ready to help you find answers.